First Date Tips By Seduction Experts


I originally wrote this in 2010, and it has become one of the most copied pieces on first date tips on the Internet. Striving to be original, I decided to re-write and update some of the tips… so they are even better than before. First date tips The first thing when going on a date is: Don’t worry about it too much, if you screw up a date, there are always more girls. By definition, if it’s the first date, then you don’t have that much invested! So make it light, easy and fun.

Stack the odds on your side

You can easily place the odds in your favor by making sure that you’re in a comfortable environment and doing an activity that you’re good at. (Read how to make a girl feel comfortable)

For instance, If you’ve never tried surfing before, it might not the best idea to try it on a first date. It is however, perfectly acceptable to have your date try something new for the first time. This has two benefits, first it naturally demonstrates that you are a leader and subsequently, you can be a little more relaxed which is another attractive quality.

Make it unique to the girl

A great date will be personalized to her. During the pre-date contact you have had with the girl, you usually can piece a little information about her. Use the little bits that you know about her and apply it to the date. If the date feels generic, then it won’t be special. (In other words, don’t go to the movies!)

Even in Dates, Practice Makes Perfect

If you are single and going on many ‘first dates’, then it can be a good idea to establish a ‘favorite date’ routine. This approach can be particularly useful when planning second date ideas. For example, if there’s a zoo nearby and you’ve been on 2 dates at the zoo in the past week, then you’ll pretty much know exactly what to do, what to say, and where to go. Practice makes perfect, even in dates! It might be repetitive for you, but unless you tell her (and don’t!), she won’t know you’ve been on that same date ‘route’ 2-3 times before. That’s why tour guides seem to fun and charismatic, they’ve done it a million times!

Demonstrate Leader-like Qualities

During the date, make sure to lead the way. In nature, the male tends to be dominant and lead (For most species at least!). You can either think of it as a burden or as a privilege, but it’s much more enjoyable to think of it as a privilege. So suggest activities, lead the way towards things that you want to do. If she doesn’t want to, she’ll object and from there, you can both agree on something.

The last cliche of Being Yourself On The Date

When they say be yourself… they actually mean be your best self. If you’re going to show a side of yourself on a date, then mind as well show her the good side of you! Trust me, you’ll have plenty of time to show her the lesser sides of you later on. While you’re on the date, she wants to see your dominant playful side! Go in with a smile and have fun. As your relationship progresses, you might even start wondering how many dates before a kiss, but for now, focus on enjoying the moment. If the fun is hiding in there somewhere, bring it out.

Keep these first date tips in mind and you’ll be better prepared to have a great time. As usual, if you’re looking for ways to spark massive attraction during the date, I would recommend reading the book Double Your Dating by David DeAngelo.

He presents ways to turn any normal date (and that’s how most guys date) into a hot adventure you’ll never forget.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are your best first date tips?

Do something. Play pool, go bowling, dave and busters, listen to live music, take a class. Don't sit and watch each other chew food.

I'm having my first tinder date tomorrow what are some tips you can give me?

Number one is don't murder her. I know it'll be tempting at times but people generally frown on this.

Just try to have a normal, regular person conversation.

What's your tips for a first date?

Honesty, but don't talk about your ex.

Any tips on how should a woman dress for a first date?

If you go with the dress, wear a not-so-tight dress and go with flats instead of heels. But I would actually suggest the jeans and blouse since it's a casual date.