

Everything you need to know about picking up girls day in and day out. Definitely the most fun part of this site.

how to ask a girl out
How to Ask a Girl Out and Have Her Say YES
Is it possible to ask out a pretty girl you just met, with even a reasonable chance at getting a "yes"? There are guys...
questions to ask a girl you like
15 Unique Questions To Ask A Girl You Like
“Who they attractin’ with that line, ‘What’s your name, what’s your sign?’” -Notorious B.I.G., “Big Poppa” That song came out in 1994, yet more than two...
The Best Ways To Start Conversations With Women (And Where To Do It)
Let’s be real: guys generally have no idea how to start conversations with women. Either we come on way too strong, or we’re so nervous...
questions for girls
How To Have An Engaging Conversation With The Girl Of Your Dreams
Asking questions is a great way to get to know that girl you like a bit better, but it depends on the kind of...
Meeting and Attracting Girls While They Work
The main thing that guys tend to overlook when talking to a cute waitress, a girl behind the cash... is that they are no...
making a good first impression
Making Good First Impressions With Women
You walk in and she looks at you... she knows. You look distressed, out of place. You're shy, a little lost and she can...
Picking Up Girls
Guide To Picking Up Girls – The Easy Way
If everyone was picking up girls on a consistent basis, there wouldn't be many left now, would there? It's a good thing that most...
The Importance Of Bouncing
If I was to ask you for a definition of bouncing, which one of the following would you come up with: jumping around in...
Guide To How To Meet Women During The Day
It's a sunny spring afternoon. As you walk home from work, you reach the bridge where you cross the river every day, but today,...
Dealing With The Best Friend When Picking Up a Girl
Wouldn't it be so much easier to pick up girls if they were by themselves more often? You'll find single ones when you're out...

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The Early Signs You’ve Met The One: How to Recognize Your...
1. Knowing you've met "the one" needs more than just strong feelings; it's an intersection of emotions, mutual respect, and shared dreams.2. Examining your...
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