Tricks For How To Pick Up A Girl In Class


The bell rings and you walk into class. You look around at all the beautiful girls around you, in front of you, beside you, and you begin to think… “If only I knew how to pick up a girl in my class…”

Picking up girls in school is not harder than picking up girls elsewhere. In fact, in many ways it can be much, much easier. You are exchanging the high intensity and craziness of clubs and the awkwardness of approaching complete strangers out of the blue for an environment where, should you play your cards right, you can pick up a girl in a seemingly natural method.

Advantage of Time

College game is essentially following the rules of a normal pick up, except that your techniques are far more effective. Compare starting a conversation with a girl in class to approaching a woman on the street. What do you have to talk to a girl at a bus stop. What do you have to talk to a girl at a bus stop? Hopefully a lot, as you are trying to pick her up nonetheless, but how can you transition into what you want to talk about in a seemingly natural way? It is definitely doable but much harder than it need be. Compare that to the following:

“Hey, can I borrow a pen?”
“Um… sure.”
“Awesome! Thanks… what’s up?” (transition into your topic)
People are looking to make friends in their classes, especially during the beginning of the semester when no one really knows anyone in the class and everyone is still getting their bearings. By being the friendly, sociable guy in class, you are greatly increasing your chances of picking up.

Instant Dates

Everyone’s tired of work after class. This is the perfect time to go on an insta-date. If you feel you’ve built enough of a connection with a girl during a couple of classes, try and switch locations to somewhere where you can communicate freely. By moving to a new location and spending time with them there, you will also be creating the feeling in her that you guys have known each other for much longer than you actually have.

A leader

One thing that will help you pick up girls in the long term is your role as a leader. Women want to be with the guy who is confident around others and self assured. Simply making an effort to get to know people in your class will attract attention to yourself, and women will find it very attractive if you can prove yourself to be capable of leading interactions with others, be it with males or females. In fact, it doesn’t matter what the group you are with is like – if you can prove yourself to be the natural “Alpha Male” of the group, women will be attracted to you.

Picking up girls in the classroom is not harder than picking up girls elsewhere – on the contrary, it is often a lot easier. With the confidence to begin and lead interactions, women will notice you and become attracted to you. The opportunities to pick up are far more abundant in class than anywhere else and in fact, you might just run the risk of becoming addicted to classroom game, thanks to the ease with which you can apply it.

1. What is the best way to approach a girl in class?

Some tips on how to approach a girl in class in a way that is likely to be well-received include being confident, respectful, and interesting. First, make sure that you come across as confident by standing up straight, making eye contact, and speaking in a clear and concise manner.

2. How can I tell if a girl is interested in me?

Some signs that may indicate that she is. For example, she may:

-Seem nervous or fidgety around you

-Make prolonged eye contact with you

-Smile or laugh a lot when you are around

-Touch you frequently or “accidentally”

-Stand or sit close to you

-Mirror your body language

3. What should I say to a girl in class?

Assuming you would like tips on how to start a conversation with a girl you are interested in:

1. Make eye contact and smile. This lets her know that you are interested in talking to her and approachable.
2. Compliment her. Everyone likes to hear compliments, and it will help break the ice.
3. Find something in common. This could be a mutual interest, hobby, or something you have noticed about her.

4. What is the best way to ask a girl out in class?

The best way to ask a girl out in class is to be confident and direct. Smile and make eye contact with her when you ask her out. Be sure to pick a time and place that you know she will be available and comfortable with. If she says no, be respectful and understand that she may have other commitments or may not be ready to date yet.

5. What should I do if a girl rejects me?

It depends on the situation in which the girl rejects you. If you are asking her out and she says no, then you should move on and not make a big deal out of it. However, if you are in a situation where you are trying to talk to her and she is constantly rejecting your advances, then you may want to consider giving up.

6. What is the best way to flirt with a girl in class?

The best way to flirt with a girl in class will vary depending on the individual girl and the situation. However, there are some general tips that can be useful when trying to flirt with a girl in class. First, it is important to make eye contact with the girl you are interested in. This will let her know that you are interested in her and will help to create a connection between you two.

7. What should I do if I like a girl who has a boyfriend?

There are a few things to consider before taking any action. How well do you know this girl? Do you talk to her often? How close is she with her current boyfriend? These factors will help determine the best course of action.

If you have a close relationship with the girl, you could talk to her about how you feel. Be honest and tell her that you really like her and would like to pursue a relationship.

8. What are some things I should avoid doing when trying to pick up a girl?

There are a few things you should avoid doing when trying to pick up a girl in class:

1. Don’t be too forward. You don’t want to come on too strong and make the girl feel uncomfortable.

2. Don’t be creepy. This includes things like staring at the girl, making inappropriate comments, or making her feel like she’s being followed.

3. Don’t be pushy.

9. What are some common mistakes guys make when trying to pick up a girl?

There are a lot of common mistakes that guys make when trying to pick up a girl in class. One of the most common mistakes is trying to be someone that they’re not. A lot of guys try to act like they’re someone they’re not in order to try and impress a girl. This usually comes off as fake and girls can see right through it. Another common mistake is trying to pick up a girl by talking about how hot she is.