Shy Guy Solution: How To Make Women Laugh With You
I was completely baffled and amazed. This guy looked like a beaten-up spider-monkey mutant. He walked into the bar and sat down right next...
Humor Course: How To Be Funny With Women
I recently visited a comedy show where a number of stand-up comedians presented their material. It started out funny and stayed that good until...
What You’ll Learn if You Start Approaching One Woman a Day
Bars, parties, clubs, even the streets: they used to be my daily and nightly scenes of disappointment, the places where I...
Using Physical Humor To Attract Women
The audience was in tears that night. No, we weren't crying - we were laughing, because that woman was on fire. It was an...
Ways Overcome Your Inhibitions And Get Rid of Your Approach Anxiety For Good
Boy, there was a period in my life when I was terribly inhibited around strangers and even friends. This approach anxiety...
Answer For Men On What To Say After You Say Hello
A common challenge many people face is how to start a conversation after saying "Hello". If you've initiated a conversation but your mind goes...
First Date Tips By Seduction Experts
I originally wrote this in 2010, and it has become one of the most copied pieces on first date tips on the Internet. Striving...